The Trinbago Association of Central Florida

A Caribbean Organization in Central Florida


Talent Competition Information & Application




The Trinbago Association of Central Florida, Inc.
12397 South Orange Blosom Trail, PMB 122
Orlando, FL. 32837
TTAC Website:
TTAC Email:

The Trinbago Association of Central Florida extends an invitation to you, your members, families, and friends to our 16th annual Talent show.
The show will be held at St. Mary of the Angels
6316 Matchett Rd, Orlando, FL. 32809
on Saturday, January 13th, 2024, at 4pm.

Admission is $15.00 per adult, children under 12 are free
We are looking for the youths to show their talents at this event.

The prices are as follow:

Ages 12 - 17

1st Place - Cash $250.00
2nd Place - Cash $150.00
3rd Place - Cash $100.00

Ages 7 - 11

1st Place - Cash $150.00
2nd Place - Cash $100.00
3rd Place - Cash $75.00

If you know of any youth within the age groups that would like to be part of the program, please call:

  • Christine Martinez: 407-437-0595

  • Steve Cox: 718-207-9588

  • Reynold Baptiste: 407-221-5391

  • Kizzy Boney: 360-914-9073

  • Ronald Simpson: 302-383-8793

or fillout and submit the attached Application.

Appilcation submission deadline is 12/15/2023